The day has finally arrived and we are starting our family adventure! We start with 10 weeks in the car (!!) traveling out to the Western US before swinging up to Minnesota.

After a month or so in MN, we will fly to Scotland (with a brief stop in Iceland), and eventually, when the cold, dark and rain of Scotland has been enough, we will head to Spain where the boys will spend part of the school year.

We will try to update this blog regularly – I’m still trying to figure out how it works, so bear with me (side note – C and I weren’t 100% sure the expression was “bear with me” and not “bare with me” but according to google, the second means “to undress with me”, and since this isn’t that kind of blog, just “bear” with us 😉 ).  You can get notified of new blog posts by signing up somewhere on the right hand side of the screen —–>

You can also follow us on instagram at @redboatbythesea – it is easier to throw a picture up there so we may have updates there a bit more often.

Wish us luck and we will keep you posted!